
| Types of Users

Users Added By Roles/ Permissions
Primary Facility Manager Added during site creation or ownership transferred by a previous Primary Facility Manager

Manages a particular site, has permissions like

  • Visualize building information in Heatmap
  • Create and use heatmap filters
  • Creating, editing, deleting schedules
  • Modifying desired temperatures
  • Altering the tuner values
  • Altering the floor plan
  • Visualizing historized points data in Site Explorer
  • Mute and unmute alert notification
  • Create dashboards of widgets for corresponding buildings
  • Alter the conditioning modes for the system profiles
  • Creating, editing, deleting users
Secondary Manager Added by Primary Facility Manager Pretty much has all the permission like the Primary Facility Manager, but cannot add more secondary managers under.
View Only Facility Manager Added by Primary Facility Manager or Secondary Manager Able to just visualize the data in the ClimaVision, will not be able to make any edits to the building aspects.
Occupant Added by Primary Facility Manager or Secondary Manager Able to visualize the zone data and alter the desired temperature for the zones assigned. 


| Types of Installers

Users Added By Roles/ Permissions
Primary Installer Added only during site creation on CCU Able to access all the same functions as the Primary Facility Manager minus the ability to add or edit users aside from a Secondary Installer. The installer who does the installation for the building can be used for future corrections or repairs. Specific privileges are determined by certification level (see below)
Secondary Installer Added after site creation in ClimaVision by the Primary Facility Manager, the Primary Installer or the Secondary Installer Same as the Primary Installer. Specific privileges are determined by certification level (see below)

Installer Certification Levels

Non-Certified Installer Determined by training level completed

View Only Facility Manager. Able to just visualize the data in the ClimaVision, will not be able to make any edits to the building aspects.

Certified Installer Level 1 Determined by training level completed

Able to access all the same functions as the Primary Facility Manager minus the ability to add or edit users aside from a Secondary Installer.

Certified Installer Level 2 Determined by training level completed

Able to access all the same functions as a Certified Installer Level 1


Audit Trail
Custom Alerts
Custom Analytics
Custom Parameters
Custom Summary Table
Energy Configurations
Notes (below the heatmap)
Remote Takeover of CCU
Building Options (Change name/org/timezone or remove CCU)

Certified Integrator Level 3 Determined by training level completed

Able to access all the same functions as a Certified Installer Level 2


Site Manager
Site Sequencer




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