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| User Management

User Management is a method by which you create, remove and maintain your user store. User management not only establishes a user’s authorization to access secure resources, but also serves as a repository of identities and, if done efficiently, can be the source of all identities for an organization.  

| Types of Users

| The different types of users are:

Organization Managers:

The organization manager is a high-level abstraction, who has access to all the sites under an organization.

These sites would all be listed and visible on the facilisight, Facility Manager Portal. The organization manager is a primary facility manager with extended access to all the sites in the organization.

  • There can be only one Organization manager per site
  • Can Add/edit/delete Secondary Facility Managers/Occupants for the buildings.
  • Added by the support team post the CCU registration.

Note: An organization is created during the CCU registration, and the Organization managers are assigned post creation of an organization.

Primary Facility Managers:

  • There can be only one Primary facility manager per site
  • Can Add/edit/delete Secondary Facility Managers/Secondary Installers/Occupants 
  • Responsible for site user management 
  • Added during CCU registration 

These users are assigned specific buildings, and as they log into the ClimaVision Web UI portal, they see their designated sites listed.

Secondary Facility Managers:

The Secondary Manager has the same functionality as the Primary,

  • Can Add/edit/delete Occupants for the Building
  • Added post CCU registration by either primary facility managers or Organization managers. 

| Accessing User Management

  • Log onto the ClimaVision Web UI portal. The current version of ClimaVision Web UI is v16

From the ClimaVision Web UI home page

  • Click the menu mceclip1.png icon.
  • Click User Management.

The User Management page is displayed.

You can use this page to add, edit, or delete the Secondary Facility Managers/Occupants for the Building based on whether you have logged in as an Organization Manager /Primary Facility Manager/Secondary Facility Managers, who constitute the team, to manage the buildings/building level information in the ClimaVision Web UI.

| Adding New User

You can add a Secondary facility manager, Primary Installer & Secondary Installer based on your role.

From the User Management page.

  • Type in the Email ID or name of the user in the search box. This is an incremental search and will list out any existing matched users.

    If the user does not already exist,

  • Click '+' next to the Add User option.

The add user window is displayed.

  • Enter the following fields as part of user management:

Field Name



Enter the email address of the person.

Note: On changing the email address, you will be immediately logged out. You will need to log back in using the new email address and set a new password using the 6-digit OTP sent to your new email ad dress.

First Name

Enter the first name of the person.

Last Name

Enter the last name of the person.


Select the country.

Phone No.

Enter the phone number of the user.

Note: The phone number is validated against the valid number types for the country selected, and a message is displayed if the number entered does not meet the cri teria.

Select Role

Select a role.

Note: the list displays secondary Manager, Primary Installer, and Secondary Installer, or any of the three that is applicable for the type of user

| User Preference Setting

With the 75system adapting to the globalized usage, the system lets the user set the preferred units with which the data is displayed in the portals and apps.

Note: By default, the user preferences are set as follows:

Parameter Default Unit


Energy Consumption kBTU
Airflow Volume  L/min
Air Pressure Pa
Water Pressure psi
Water Flow L/min


The below table explains the additions in the user management section for setting the user preferences.

  • Select the required in the following  fields as part of user preference management:
Field Name Description Unit in drop down


Select the preferred unit for the parameter Temperature.

℃, ℉

Energy Consumption Select the preferred unit for the parameter Energy Consumption. kWh, kBTU, tonrefh, GJ
Airflow Volume Select the preferred unit for the parameter Airflow Temperacome.  cfm, m3h, L/min, L/s
Air Pressure Select the preferred unit for the parameter Air Pressure. inH2O, mmH2O, cmH2O, Pa
Water Pressure Select the preferred unit for the parameter Water Pressure.  bar, psi kPa
Water Flow Select the preferred unit for the parameter Water flow. gal/min, m3h, L/min, L/s
  •  Click Add+.

A message that the user is added successfully appears.


| Modifying Existing User

  • Locate the user you want to modify by entering the email ID or the name in the Search box. This is an incremental search and will list out any existing matching users.
  • Click the Edit edit.pngicon.

The Edit screen is displayed.

  • Enter/edit/select all the necessary changes.
  • Click Save Edit.

A message that the user is updated successfully appears.


| Deleting Existing User

  • Locate the user you want to modify by entering the email ID or name in the Search box. This is an incremental search and will list out any existing matching users.
  • Click the Delete icon.

A confirmation window is displayed.

  • Click Confirm.

A message that the user is deleted successfully appears. The user is now moved to Unassigned Users

  • Click Unassigned Users and search for the user you just deleted, to delete the user permanently.
  • Click Delete.

A confirmation window is displayed.

  • Click Confirm.

The user is permanently deleted from the system.



| Adding a View Only Facility Manager (VOFM)

A view-only facility manager can be added in the ClimaVision Web UI portal to access all data (without any edit privileges) about a specific site so that an end-user can view details about the site made available in ClimaVision Web UI for making informed site decisions. A VOFM can view system settings, zone settings, heatmap settings and graphs, PAM dashboards, and named schedules while other internal data (tuners) remain private. 

To Add a View Only Facility Manager (VOFM)

  • Click the Menu mceclip1.png icon.
  • Click User Management.



  • Type in the Email ID or name of the user in the search box. This is an incremental search and will list out any existing matched users.

    If the user does not already exist,

  • Click '+' next to the Add User option.


  • Fill in all the fields as per the User management role.
  • Select View Only FM under the "Select Role" dropdown menu to select the user as a VOFM.

  • Click Add+ to add the user as a View Only Facility Manager.

The added user can access the facilisight as the view-only facility manager, from the email notification received, can set his credentials for sign in. and start exploring the facilisight.





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