
| Overview

Demand Response compliance is a feature introduced in the ClimaVision system, which enables ClimaVision CCUs to balance the demand on the power grid by encouraging them to shift electricity demand to times when demand on electric grid is lesser.​

This feature empowers ClimaVision users to actively participate in Demand Response (DR) events, offering both automated DR and manual control capabilities based on user preferences, thereby enhancing flexibility and efficiency in managing energy consumption.

A DR setback tuner has been introduced which would be consumed by temperature-based profiles and setback temperatures would be in effect to achieve desired temperatures.

| How

VTN (Virtual Top Node)

VTN or Virtual Top Node transmits events to other nodes. A Virtual Top Node can be an ISO (Independent System Contractor) or Utility provider.

VEN (Virtual End Node)

A VEN or Virtual End Node receives any event from the VTN and responds to it accordingly. It also controls the demand side of the operation. Examples of VEN can be C&I, SMB, or Residential buildings.

GetImage (20).png

The Virtual Top Node (VTN) communicates the DR events to the Virtual End Node (VEN) and the same is communicated to the CCU in the building. This can be an automated VTN Utility Peak response or manually turned on at a site by a Facility Manager.

| Types of Demand Response options within the ClimaVision Platform

Automated DR (VTN/VEN Based)

This option enables automated energy efficiency control for the CCU when triggered by the VTN and consumed by the VEN. The VEN then sends a signal to all CCUs on the site to activate DR Mode, which can be managed at the CCU level by toggling the "Demand Response Mode" active switch. If "Demand Response Enrollment" toggled is disabled for a site, the automated VEN trigger for DR Mode is not activated.

Manual DR

The manual mode enables manual activation of DR Mode by the Facility Manager based on energy efficiency requirements during the monitored period. DR Mode is accessible at each CCU and Site level, allowing the FM to toggle it on/off manually via both the CCU interface and Facilisight/Internal Portal.

In CCU, a toggle is introduced to Automatically/ manually enable or disable the DR mode.

  • Access the DR mode enablement toggle from the CCU Installer options screen, as below:

Demand Response.png

Note: A user can opt into the DR mode, by toggling the "DR Enrollment" toggle. If enabled, the demand response active toggle button will be automatically toggled on or off based on automated DR events. The user can switch the "Demand Response Active" toggle in manual mode.

  • Access the DR mode enablement toggle from the CCU system screen, as below:


Once the DR mode is automatically or manually enabled the same is reflected in the system screen in the CCU as below:


Once the DR mode is automatically or manually enabled, the same is reflected in zones screen for various modes of occupancy as below:



Forced Occupied



| Operation

When the Demand Response mode is enabled automatically or manually, a new tuner point demandRepsonseSetback is introduced in the system. This setback tuner determines the deadband for the zones which can be modified as per the requirement.

| What's in Portals

In portals as well, a toggle is introduced to Automatically/ manually enable or disable the DR mode. 

  • Access the DR mode enablement toggle from the CCU Installer options screen, as below.

Once, the DR mode is enabled, the same can be observed in the CCU Settings


The same can be observed in the widgets for Demand Response.


| What's in App

In apps as well, a toggle is introduced to Automatically/ manually enable or disable the DR mode. 




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