5 minute Read
The 4 Variations of Renatus and which should I be using?
Developer: Only use if you are a developer or if a developer specifically tells you to use for some reason.
DEV: http://updates.75fahrenheit.com/RENATUS_CCU_dev_1.527.0.apk
Quality Assurance: Only use if you are running BISKIT. If you don't know what that is. Do not use this version.
QA: http://updates.75fahrenheit.com/RENATUS_CCU_qa_1.527.0.apk
Staging: Used for ALL Support documentation creation and any bench setups.
STAGING: http://updates.75fahrenheit.com/RENATUS_CCU_staging_1.527.0.apk
Production: Used for all customer sites. The active published version of Renatus.
PROD: http://updates.75fahrenheit.com/RENATUS_CCU_prod_1.527.0.apk
Video Below is how to upgrade to Production Renatus from V2
Delete Current Renatus instance:
adb connect
adb root
adb connect
adb remount
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