
| Overview

This article will walk you through the steps of how to properly perform a Test and Balance/Airflow Sensor Calibration on a Carrier VAV Zone.



  1. Contact Carrier Support Team to notify the date and time you will be starting.  We will ask for an email address so we can give you access to the site data on ClimaVision Web UI.  We will also set all of the dampers to their maximum position so the site is ready when you arrive.

  2. Download the spreadsheet attached to this article.  This will provide you with the proper K Factor based on your airflow readings at each zone.

  3. Upon arrival, identify the location of the CCUs.  The zones associated with that CCU will be displayed on the screen.

  4. Tap the gear icon in the top right side of the screen.CCU-1.PNG

  5. Tap on the zone that you will be balancing, then tap the number listed under the "Pair Module" column.
  6. Verify the damper size and shape are configured correctly, and "Enable CFM" is selected.

  7. Place the damper size in the K Factor Calculator spreadsheet.

  8. Log in to ClimaVision Web UI on a laptop

  9. Once in ClimaVision Web UI, click on the building where you will be working.  The Heatmap will appear with all of the zones.  Click on the first zone that you will be balancing and scroll down until you see the data labeled "VAV Pressure".  Place this pressure reading in the K Factor Calculator spreadsheet. 
  10. Proceed to perform the airflow measurement.

  11. Place the actual measured airflow in the K Factor Calculator spreadsheet.  This will output the proper K Factor for the zone.

  12. Go back to the CCU, and change the K Factor on the zone to match the K Factor Calculator spreadsheet.

  13. Once you have performed your airflow measurements and verifications on all zones, contact Carrier Support to place all VAVs at their minimum airflow setpoints.

  14. When all of your zones have been measured and balanced, contact Carrier Support to have all of the airflow setpoints adjusted to their designed settings.





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