
2 Minute Read

| Overview

With Carrier adopting the usage globalization of systems (CCU, Portals & Apps), supporting alternate units for parameters, especially the Celsius and Fahrenheit support for the temperature. for more information refer to Carrier System- Usage Globalization

The nodal devices (SmarNode, HyperStat, and HelioNode) were so enhanced to accept the change of unit when made from the CCU and start displaying the same in the user interfaces of the devices. for more information refer to Celsius Support in CCU

The HyperStat which can operate as a standalone device (not connected to the Carrier CCU), or as a slave/client in a Modbus network or a BACnet server, provides an option to switch between the units of temperature, to Celsius/Fahrenheit when it operates in any other network. This helps the customer to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit to display information in the HyperStat, as per the requirement of the network in the BMS.

Note: The UI changes (if the system is connected to CCU, when changes made in HyperStat, will be display parameters in Celsius but will be reverted to Fahrenheit) can be done only in standalone mode.

| Setting Temperature Unit Preference

From the home screen of the UI


  • Press the + & - buttons together to navigate to the other screens of the HyperStat

The Inputs screen is displayed initially


  • Press the next button to navigate to the HVAC options screen

The HVAC options screen is displayed.



  • Press the down arrow up_arrow.png to navigate to the options available under the screen.



  • Press the down arrow up_arrow.png twice again to navigate to the Temperature Unit option.


  • Press the Select button to access the temperature units available.


  • Press the up Down_arrow.png arrow button or the down up_arrow.png arrow button to select the required unit as below.


  • Press Deselect button to confirm the selection.


The temperature and the unit in the HyperStat now use Celsius to display the information below.


Note: Not only in the home screen UI but every other section in the HyperStat screen where a temperature value is displayed is now in Celsius










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