
| How it Works

The ClimaVision HyperStat Split Conventional Package Unit & Economizer profile is a standalone profile, that provides heating, cooling, and Economizer equipment controls for conditioning.

HyperStat split is a combination of HyperLite and the Connect Module.

The HyperLite module is mounted inside the room providing the room Temperature, Humidity & IAQ sensing.

The Connect module is mounted on the RTU or FCU, to provide the necessary conditioning based on the temperature and IAQ sensed.

For more information on the HyperStat Split device and its mounting refer to HyperStat Split Overview & Installation.

It provides the flexibility to choose between fully modulating and staged equipment control. Possible equipment configurations include:

  • 3 Stages of cooling equipment control
  • 3 Stages of heating equipment control
  • 3 Stages of fan speed control
  •  equipment control
  • Fan Enabled and Occupied Enable control
  • Humidifier and Dehumidifier control
  • 2 Stages of Exhaust fan control
  • Modulating Cooling, Heating, OAO Damper & Linear and Staged Fans for cooling and heating as Analog Outs
  • Sensor Bus Inputs to accommodate up to 4 types of daisy-chained sensors 
  • 8 Digital/Analog/Thermistor-based Universal Inputs to accommodate varied forms of input as provided below in the Configuration parameters section table.

| Wiring


The following is a sample wiring illustrated for a HyperStat Split.

The wiring for the communication and power to the HyperLite is connected to POR A, B of Connect Module to Normal A & B of Lite. 

The Table below provides more information on the wiring of the HyperStat Split.

Supported wire length

200 ft.

Supported cable type The 18/2 Thermostat wire, does not support installations of multiple HS Splits on 18/4,18/6, or any higher core count wires
Wiring to be laid In separate Conduits and not along with power-carrying wires. Plastic conduits are preferred.
Precaution connect POR A of the connect module to A of the Lite, and POR B of the connect module to B of the Lite, and not otherwise.
Power Source The power source must be 24V AC only.

The Connect Module further features an additional OWI interface to connect 75F OWI-compatible sensors.

For more information on the jumper refer to HyperStat Split Overview & Installation.

| Pairing

The HyperLite module of the HyperStat Split gets paired to the CCU. To pair a HyperLite module,

From the CCU screen,


  • Select the Device type as HS Split.


  • Select the CPU and Economizer module


Pair the device with the CCU as per the given instructions


Setting HyperLite to Pairing Mode

From the Home screen.

  • Press the '+' and '-' navigation buttons together on the home screen.

The Inputs screen displays.

  • Press the next navigation button to navigate to the installer option screen

  • Press the down arrow    to navigate to the Pair with CCU option.

  • Press the select button to set the Hyperlite to pairing mode.

Group 1172@2x.png

The advertising screen broadcasts the Bluetooth address of the HyperLite

  • Click Pair

  • Click the Bluetooth address of the HyperLite

The window to enter the pairing pin from the device displays

  • Locate the pin generated from the HyperLite screen.

Group 1173@2x.png

  • Enter the PIN as displayed on the device.

  • Click Pair to confirm

The pairing would take a few minutes and the configuration screen for the profile displays

| Configuration 

Once the pairing is done, the configuration screen displays as below with the parameters that can be configured.







| Configuration Parameters



Default Value

Values in the drop-down list

Temperature Offset

To set the offset temperature

0 (°F)

Range from -10 to + 10 in .1 increments  

Enable Auto Force Occupied

To enable Auto force occupied

Note: Auto Forced occupied/forced occupied and Auto-Away cannot work together. 




Enable Auto-Away

To enable auto-away

Note: Auto Forced occupied/forced occupied and Auto Away cannot work together. 




Sensor Bus Address Setting Configuration, based on sensors Used



Default Value

Values in the drop-down list

Address 0

When a sensor is used for Supply Air Temperature and Humidity sensing


Supply Air Temp & Humidity

Address 1

When a sensor is used for Mixed Air Temperature and Humidity sensing


Mixed Air Temp & Humidity

Address 2

When a sensor is used for Outside Air Temperature and Humidity sensing


Outside Air Temp & Humidity

Address 3

When a sensor is used for Duct Static Pressure sensing


Duct Static Pressure

Relay Based Controls 



Default Value

Values in the drop-down list

Relay 1

To enable staged conditioning

Cooling Stage 1 

Cooling Stage 1

Cooling Stage 2

Cooling Stage 3

Heating Stage 1

Heating Stage 2

Heating Stage 3

Fan Low Speed

Fan Medium Speed

Fan High Speed

Fan Enabled

Occupied Enabled



Exhaust Fan Stage 1

Exhaust Fan Stage 2

Relay 2

To enable staged conditioning

Cooling Stage 2  

Relay 3

To enable staged conditioning

Fan low speed

Relay 4

To enable staged conditioning

Heating Stage 1

Relay 5

To enable staged conditioning

Heating Stage 2

Relay 6

To enable staged conditioning 

Fan High Speed 

Relay 7

To enable staged equipment control

Exhaust Fan Stage 1

Relay 8

To enable staged conditioning

Exhaust Fan Stage 2

Analog-Based Modulating Controls



Default Value

Values in the drop-down list

Analog out 1

To enable modulating Cooling/Heating conditioning or OAO Damper control or Linear/ Staged Fan control for cooling and heating conditioning



Linear Fan Speed


OAO Damper

Staged Fan Speed

Analog out 2


To enable modulating Cooling/Heating conditioning or OAO Damper control  or Linear/ Staged Fan control for cooling and heating conditioning

Staged Fan speed

Analog out 3


To enable modulating Cooling/Heating conditioning or OAO Damper control  or Linear/ Staged Fan control for cooling and heating conditioning


Analog out 4


To enable modulating Cooling/Heating conditioning or OAO Damper control  or Linear/ Staged Fan control for cooling and heating conditioning

OAO Damper

Thermistor/ Digital Based Universal Inputs



Default Value

Values in the drop-down list


To enable Digital/Analog/Thermistor based input sensing

Supply Air Temperature

Current TX (0-10Amps)

Current TX (0-20Amps)

Current TX (0-50Amps)

Current TX (0-100Amps)

Current TX (0-150Amps)

Supply Air Temperature

Mixed Air Temperature

Outside Air Temperature

Filter Pressure (NC)

Filter Pressure (NO)

Condensate (NC)

Condensate (NO)

Duct Static Pressure (0-1")

Duct Static Pressure (0-2")

Generic 0-10V

Generic 1-100KOhm


To enable Digital/Analog/Thermistor based input sensing

Mixed Air Temperature


To enable Digital/Analog/Thermistor based input sensing

Outside Air Temperature


To enable Digital/Analog/Thermistor based input sensing

Duct Static Pressure (0-2")


To enable Digital/Analog/Thermistor based input sensing

Current TX (0-50Amps)


To enable Digital/Analog/Thermistor based input sensing

Condensate (NO)


To enable Digital/Analog/Thermistor based input sensing

Filter Pressure (NO)


To enable Digital/Analog/Thermistor based input sensing

Generic 1-100KOhm

IAQ Threshold & Target Configuration



Default Value

Values in the drop-down list

CO2 Threshold

To set the CO2 Threshold value to control the OAO damper opening.

4000 ppm

Disable, and range from 0 ppm to 4000 ppm in 10 ppm increments 

CO2 Target

To set the CO2 Target value for the CCU level alerts

4000 ppm

Disable, and range from 0 ppm to 4000 ppm in 10 ppm increments.

VOC Threshold

To set the VOC threshold value for the device level alerts

4000 ppb

Disable, and range from 0 ppb to 10000 ppb in 100 ppb increments. 

VOC Target

To set the VOC target value for the CCU level alerts

5000 ppb

Disable, and range from 0 ppb to 10000 ppb in 100 ppb increments.

PM 2.5 Target

To set the PM 2.5 threshold value for the device level alerts

25 ug/m³

Disable, and range from 0 ug/m³ to 1000 ug/m³ in 5 ug/m³ increments.
  • Configure the required parameters as below.




Based on the parameters configured for the Relays and Analog Outs additional parameters are made available for the configuring as below

For default parameters configured for under relays and Analog outs as below

The following Additional parameters are made available for Configuration

FanOuts for Staged Cooling and Heating



Default Value

Values in the drop-down list

Fan-out During Cooling Stage 1

To set the analog out values for Fan Speed for stage 1 cooling


Range from 0V to 10V in 1V increments 

Fan-out During Cooling Stage 2

To set the analog out values for Fan Speed for stage 2 cooling


Range from 0V to 10V in 1V increments 

Fan-out During Heating Stage 1

To set the analog out values for Fan Speed for stage 1 heating


Range from 0V to 10V in 1V increments 

Fan-out During Heating Stage 2

To set the analog out values for Fan Speed for stage 2 heating


Range from 0V to 10V in 1V increments 

Fan-out During Heating Stage 3

To set the analog out values for Fan Speed for stage 3 heating


Range from 0V to 10V in 1V increments 

Test Signal

This is used for troubleshooting and testing the equipment if the configuration and the field setup are in sync, and the device is communicating properly with the controlled equipment. Also at any point, you can override the value of the output the algorithm decides. 

We can use the test signal for relays to turn them on or for analog out to ramp up and see if the equipment works according to commands from the device.

Test Signal Time Out

once enabled it will be active for an hour if the screen is not changed, after an hour of no interaction on the screen.  zone screen displays and the test signal will be OFF.

If the screen changes from the test signal configuration screen it will be timed out in one minute (time for the algorithm to run next).

Note: The test signal for modulating output is in deci volts ranging from 0.0dV to 100.0dV.

| Operation of Staged Fan Speed Control at Analog out2

The above options will appear based on the number of heating and cooling stages associated with the relays and if there are no heating/cooling stages then the staged fan cannot be associated with the AOs.

This means the user can now decide at exactly what speed the VFD, or analog fan should function when the cooling or heating stages are triggered, which effectively takes care of any kind of disproportionate operation between the cooling/heating stages and the analog fan. 

This means now the analog fan operates at least at 75-80% of its maximum speed when the cooling/heating stage 1 is triggered.

Also, when the no cooling or heating stages are triggered due to zero loop output, we can have a small amount of fan loop output, that could provide a small percentage of fan speed, managed by altering the Analog Fan speed multiplier, and tuner parameter.

AnalogOuts for Min, Max Cooling, and Heating



Default Value

Values in the drop-down list

Analog Out 1 at Min Cooling To set the analog out values minimum cooling 2V Range from 0V to 10V in 1V increments 
Analog Out 1 at Max Cooling To set the analog out values maximum cooling 10V Range from 0V to 10V in 1V increments 
Analog Out 3 at Min Heating To set the analog out values minimum heating 2V Range from 0V to 10V in 1V increments 
Analog Out 3 at Max Heating To set the analog out values maximum cooling 10V Range from 0V to 10V in 1V increments 

AnalogOuts for Min, Max OAO Damper Positions



Default Value

Values in the drop-down list

Analog Out 4 at Min OAO Damper To set the analog out values for minimum OAO Damper position 2V Range from 0V to 10V in 1V increments 
Analog Out 4 at Max OAO Damper To set the analog out values for maximum OAO Damper position 10V Range from 0V to 10V in 1V increments 
Analog Out for Staged Fan Speeds



Default Value

Values in the drop-down list

Analog Out 2 at FanLow To set the analog out for Fan low stage 70% Range from 0% to 100% in 1% increments 
Analog Out 2 at FanMedium To set the analog out for the Fan medium stage 80% Range from 0% to 100% in 1% increments 
Analog Out 2 at FanHigh To set the analog out for the Fan high stage 100%  Range from 0% to 100% in 1% increments 
Outside Damper Open %, Exhaust fan Stage Thresholds, Hysteresis & Co2 Damper Opening Rate



Default Value

Values in the drop-down list

Outside Damper Min Open (%) To set a percentage for the Outside Damper minimum open position 0% Range from 0% to 100% in 10% increments 
Exhaust Fan Stage 1 Threshold (%) To set a percentage for the Exhaust Fan Stage 1 Threshold 50% Range from 0% to 100% in 10% increments 
Exhaust Fan Stage 2 Threshold (%) To set a percentage for the Exhaust Fan Stage 2 Threshold 90% Range from 0% to 100% in 10% increments 
Exhaust Fan Hysteresis To set a percentage for the Exhaust Fan stages Relay deactivation 5% Range from 0% to 25% in 1% increments


Additionally, when the Linear Speed is set for the Analog Out 2 during the configuration as below:

The following parameters are made available for configuring

Analog Outs for Linear Fan Speed



Default Value

Values in the drop-down list

Analog Out 2 at Min Linear Fan Speed To set the analog out values for minimum Linar Fan Speed 2V Range from 0V to 10V in 1V increments 
Analog Out 4 at Max Linear Fan Speed To set the analog out values for maximum Linear Fan Speed 10V Range from 0V to 10V in 1V increments 


| Linear Fan Speed at Analog out2 Configurations

Additionally, when the Linear Speed is set for the Analog Out 2 during the configuration as below:

The following parameters are made available for configuring

AnalogOuts for Linear Fan Speed



Default Value

Values in the drop-down list

Analog Out 2 at Min Linear Fan Speed To set the analog out values for minimum Linar Fan Speed 2V Range from 0V to 10V in 1V increments 
Analog Out 4 at Max Linear Fan Speed To set the analog out values for maximum Linear Fan Speed 10V Range from 0V to 10V in 1V increments 

Note: The Minfanruntimepostconditioning tuner value is also applicable for the linear fan speed selection under Analog-out 2. This tuner defines the period for which the Last known analog out fan speed needs to be run after the conditioning is turned off.

| Outside Air Damper Configuration for Economization

For the Outside Air Optimization/ Economization comes the following configuration para

AnalogOuts for Min, Max OAO Damper Positions



Default Value

Values in the drop-down list

Outside Damper Min Open During Recirculate (%) To set an outside air minimum damper position during the recirculate 25% Range from 0% to 100% in 1% increments 
Outside Damper Min Open During Conditioning (%) To set an outside air minimum damper position during conditioning 5% Range from 0% to 100% in 1% increments 
Outside Damper Min Open During Fan Low (%) To set an outside air minimum damper position during low fan speed 20% Range from 0% to 100% in 1% increments 
Outside Damper Min Open During Fan Medium (%) To set an outside air minimum damper position during medium fan speed 15% Range from 0% to 100% in 1% increments 
Outside Damper Min Open During Fan High (%) To set an outside air minimum damper position during high fan speed 10% Range from 0% to 100% in 1% increments 


The OAO is also supported by the Outside Air Damper position in the predefined widget for the profile, as below.


| Exhaust Fan Configurations

Exhaust fan Stage Thresholds, Hysteresis & Co2 Damper Opening Rate



Default Value

Values in the drop-down list

Exhaust Fan Stage 1 Threshold (%) To set a percentage for the Exhaust Fan Stage 1 Threshold 50% Range from 0% to 100% in 10% increments 
Exhaust Fan Stage 2 Threshold (%) To set a percentage for the Exhaust Fan Stage 2 Threshold 90% Range from 0% to 100% in 10% increments 
Exhaust Fan Hysteresis To set a percentage for the Exhaust Fan stages Relay deactivation 5% Range from 0% to 25% in 1% increments

| Exhaust Fan Configurations


Analog Out During Recirculate & Economization
Analog-out 2 at Fan Recirculate To set the analog out value in Volts for Fan speed during recirculation 4V Range from 0V to 10V in 1V increments 
Analog-out 2 at During Economizer To set the analog out value in Volts for Fan speed during economization 7V Range from 0V to 10V in 1V increments 

| IAQ Parameters Display Settings in the HyperStat Device

The profile also allows the user to set IAQ parameters that can be displayed in the HyperStat device's home screen.                   

Note: Only two of the IAQ parameters can be set at a time, to be displayed on the HyperStat device's home screen, or none can be enabled. 

Before the parameters are enabled, the HyperStat device screen is showcased, as below:


When parameters are enabled and thresholds set as below.

The enabled parameter values and the threshold breach message are displayed on the HyperStat device's screen as below. 



When parameters are enabled and thresholds set as below:

The enabled parameter values are displayed on the HyperStat device screen along, with an alert message for a breach in any of the four IAQ parameters as below:


The configuration also provides an option to disable the targets and thresholds for the IAQ parameters CO2, VOC, and PM2.5 as below.


  • Click Save to confirm the configuration changes.

| Multi-Module Criteria & Nuances

Like the other devices & profiles under the ClimaVision system, the HyperStat Split and the CPU+Economizer profile also support the multi-module concept.

Below are the few criteria set and nuances followed during such multi-module configuration in a zone for a site.

  • Only up to three HyperStat Split device / CPU+Economizer profiles can be paired within a zone.

  • At any time in a multi-module zone, all the modules within the zone will have the same schedule state, and the same is indicated on the zone level.


In Portals

  • Any external schedule influencers once triggered will influence the entire zone, irrespective of whether the other modules are enabled via configuration for that state.

  • Once the schedule state is consumed by the zone from the module of the highest rank in the multimodule, then the desired temperatures are inherited by other modules in the multimodule zone. 

For more information refer to Effects of Schedule States in the Building

| Post Configuration

The zone paired with CPU & Economizer profile is displayed in the CCU as below.

You can see widgets configured in the heatmap pages in the portals as below:

The widgets with the OAO details in the portal are visualized as below.

| Modes & Operations

As in the other HyperStat profiles, the CPU & economizer profile of HyperStat split as well supports the following fan and conditioning modes.

Fan Modes

  • Off
  • Auto
  • Fan Low Current Occupied Period 
  • Fan Low Occupied Period
  • Fan Low All Times
  • Fan Medium Current Occupied Period
  • Fan Medium Occupied Period
  • Fan Medium All Times
  • Fan High Current Occupied Period 
  • Fan High Occupied Period
  • Fan High All Time

Based on the fan stages configured in the configuration window, the fan stages are made available in CCU and the portal for selection as user intents.

Note: The HyperStat Split hardware supports only the following fan modes at its end,


And when a change is made, it would translate to the following in the CCU.

  • Auto------ Auto
  • Low------Fan Low Current Occupied Period
  • Medium-------Fan Medium Current Occupied Period
  • High-------Fan High Current Occupied Period 

Conditioning Modes

  • Off
  • Auto
  • Cool Only 
  • Heat Only

| Controls and Triggers Strategy

Controls Trigger Strategy
Cooling Stages Cooling stages trigger when the zone demands cooling, based on the current temperature. The cooling stages switch ON based on the cooling loop output, whose values are scaled for the different stages. And switches off based on conditioned current temperature values.
Heating Stages 

Heating stages trigger when the zone demands to heat, based on the current temperature. The heating stages switch ON based on the heating loop output, whose values are scaled for the different stages. And switches off based on conditioned current temperature values.

Fan Stages

Fan stages trigger based on the fan loop output which is a result of cooling loop and heating loop outputs, during cooling and heating operation respectively.

Fan control configured as modulating using analog out the percentages for the low, medium, and high are altered to 30% 60%, and 100% respectively.

Fan Enable

Fan enable is a provision introduced to enable additional fan control, which switches "ON" during the occupied schedule, and when any conditioning is happening during the unoccupied schedule.


  • Fan Enable is used in a modulating VFD-controlled fan, where the variable frequency drives need to be switched "ON" before ramping up and down the fan speeds.
  • It can also be put to use for additional fan control within a staged HVAC unit or a zone, which should remain "ON" during their occupied hours.

Note: Fan Enabled is not a control option for the Fan stages. the fan stages control needs to be mapped separately for the system to start conditioning.

Occupied Enable A relay mapped to Occupied Enable is "ON" whenever the zone is in an occupied schedule and "OFF" when any conditioning happens during an unoccupied schedule.

A Relay mapped to the humidifier is turned on whenever the humidity level for the CPU drops below the target Minimum Inside Humidity, a tuner value.

 And shows the user a target humidity control in Zone Screen on CCU and Facilisight portal

De Humidifier 

A Relay mapped to the dehumidifier is turned on whenever the humidity level for the CPU goes above the target Minimum Inside Humidity, a tuner value.

And shows the user a target humidity control in Zone Screen on CCU and Facilisight portal

Exhaust Fan Stages

Exhaust stages trigger based on the economizing loop output. Stage 1 triggers when the economizing loop output is at 50% (Default). Stage 2 triggers when the economizing loop is at 90% (Default).

The exhaust threshold percentage for the economizing loop can be defined during the configuration using the Exhaust Fan Stage 1(Threshold) and Exhaust Fan Stage 2 (Threshold).

There is a hysteresis associated with it to prevent short cycling of the equipment, which can be defined using the parameter Exhaust Fan Hysteresis (%) during configuration.


For default hysteresis of 5% the Exhaust Fan stage 2 deactivates at 90-5 = 85% of the Economizing loop output.

And Exhaust Fan stage 1 deactivates at 50-5 = 45% of the Economizing loop output

| OAO Control

Outside Air Optimization (OAO) as we know is bringing in the outside air into the room space when conditions are favorable for free cooling.

The OAO control trigger with the CPU & Economizer is driven by the outsideAirFinalLoopOutput

The factors contributing to the outsideAirFinalLoopOutput vary based on the parameters configured during the profile configuration.

The table below talks about the possible scenarios, and the respective contributing factors for the outsideAirFinalLoopOutput.

Scenarios Favorable / Unfavorable Conditions Contributor for the Final Loop output
The system uses just the Outside & Inside Air Temperature & Humidity

If the Outside Air Temperature is < standaloneEconomizingDryBulbThreshold (an OAO tuner parameter = 55°F)

Then, outsideAirFinalLoopOutput= OutsideAirLoopOutput= economizingLoopOutput (which uses the outside air temperature sensed and the 55°F for the error calculation of the loop)

Else If the Outside Air Temperature is slightly > standaloneEconomizingDryBulbThreshold (an OAO tuner parameter = 55°F),

Then, the system would look for the following

And, If Outside Enthalpy (product of Outside Air temperature and humidity)+standaloneEnthalpyDuctCompensationOffset (Tuner parameter, which is by default 0) < Inside Enthalpy (product of Inside Air temperature and humidity)

Then, outsideAirFinalLoopOutput= OutsideAirLoopOutput= economizingLoopOutput (which uses the outside Enthalpy and Inside Enthalpy for the error calculation of the loop)
If the Outside Air temperature is not within the Tuner parameters, standaloneEconomizingMinTemperature (0°F) & standaloneEconomizingMaxTemperature (70°F) Then, outsideAirFinalLoopOutput= OutsideAirLoopOutput= 0 as there will be no economizingLoopOutput
And If the Outside Air temperature is not within the Tuner parameters, standaloneEconomizingMinHumidity (0%) & standaloneEconomizingMaxHumidity (100%) Then, outsideAirFinalLoopOutput= OutsideAirLoopOutput= 0 as there will be no economizingLoopOutput
The system uses Outside, and inside Air Temperature and humidity along with the CO2 Threshold (If configured)

Then when Zone CO2 (A sensed parameter) > Zone CO2 Threshold (A configuration parameter), the Demand Control Ventilation loop kicks in. 

DCVLoopOutput= (Zone CO2- Zone CO2 Threshold)/zoneCO2DamperOpeningRate (A configuration parameter)

Then, outsideAirFinalLoopOutput= OutsideAirLoopOutput= economizingLoopOutput, DCVLoopOutput or outsideDamperMinOpen (a configuration parameter) whichever is greatest among the three is considered
The system uses Outside, and inside Air Temperature and humidity, with the CO2 Threshold & the Mixed Air Temperature MAT (If configured)

If Mixed Air Temperature is Between the Tuner parameters standaloneOutsideDamperMixedAirTarget (50°F) &  standaloneEconomizingMaxTemperature (70°F)

Then, outsideAirFinalLoopOutput= OutsideAirLoopOutput= economizingLoopOutput, DCVLoopOutput or outsideDamperMinOpen (a configuration parameter) whichever is greatest among the three is considered

If Mixed Air Temperature is Tuner parameter standaloneEconomizingMaxTemperature (70°F) or

Mixed Air Temperature is < Tuner parameter standaloneOutsideDamperMixedAirMinimum (44°F)

Then, the OAO damper position moves towards the minimum position.

If Mixed Air Temperature is Between the Tuner parameters standaloneOutsideDamperMixedAirMinimum (44°F) & standaloneOutsideDamperMixedAirTarget (50°F)   

Then, outsideAirFinalLoopOutput= OutsideAirLoopOutput* 


OutsideAirLoopOutput= economizingLoopOutput, DCVLoopOutput or outsideDamperMinOpen (a configuration parameter) whichever is greatest among the three is considered


| Pre-Purge Operation 

When Pre Purge is enabled for the profile, as below.

An additional configuration parameter Pre-purge min Open (%),  is presented to the user for configuring, as below.

An additional tuner parameter PrePurgeOccupiedTimeOffset tuner (Defaulted to 180) is also introduced in the system. This helps the user define the duration before which the pre purge sequence should start, before the next scheduled occupied time.

PrePurgeFanspeedTuner (Defaulted to 50%), that defines the fan speed during the pre-purge sequence is also introduced alongside.

Note: For linear fan speeds the tuner mapped to the minimum & maximum voltages set, for a staged fan it mapped to Stage 1 Fan speed.

Example: If Config parameter Analogout 2 = 60% and smartPurgeFanSpeed = 50%, the highest 60% takes effect.

Validations and Nuances

  • During the Pre-Purge sequence, the zone temperatures remain in setback mode. If the zone temperatures drift outside the setback temperatures, the load-based system conditioning is enabled.
  • This will ensure that the building is regulated and ready for preconditioning and the humidity is maintained. A too-low temperature could cause condensation, and a too-high temperature could cause low humidity which may promote a larger viral transmission).
  • If the building is in cooling mode, economizer conditions are right, and PrePurgeOutsideDamperMinOpen is set to a value other than 100%, then regular economizing action will take place and the outside air damper loop may go all the way to 100%.
  • The max output signal will depend on the outsideDamperAtMaxDrive config parameter.

MAT Safety Regulation

Like the Mixed Air Temperature (MAT) safety checks available for economization, the Pre purge also has certain MAT checks.

  • The outside air damper closes to maintain MAT temp, if it drops below outsideDamperMixedAirTarget. (In heating mode, this prevents condensation of flue gases when the heater is on, which is acidic and will corrode the heater)
  • The Pre-Purge takes precedence over the pre-conditioning when both are active.

Whenever a Pre-Purge mode is active, it can be tracked through a status point prePurge in the site explorer. 

Screenshot 2024-06-11 135040.png

The same can be observed under the widget's mode section.

Screenshot 2024-06-11 163018.png

| OAO Tuners

  • standaloneEconomizingDryBulbThreshold = 55°F
  • standaloneEconomizingMinTemperature= 0°F
  • standaloneEconomizingMaxTemperature= 70°F
  • standaloneEconomizingMinHumidity= 0 %
  • standaloneEconomizingMaxHumidity= 100%
  • standaloneOutsideDamperMixedAirMinimum= 44°F
  • standaloneOutsideDamperMixedAirTarget= 50F
  • standaloneEnthalpyDuctCompensationOffset= 0°F
  • standaloneDuctTemperatureOffset= 0°F

| Equip Graphics for Hyperstat Split - CPU & Economizer

Equipment graphics is available for all the terminal profiles. It provides a graphical representation of system-level equipment and enables monitoring of key point parameters associated with terminal profiles.

Hyperstat Split.png

The highlighted list of points is predefined for visualization alongside the graphic for the respective profile.

| Feature Availability Versions

Feature Hardware/Firmware Version

The HyperStat Split CPU+ Economizer profile support

CM 3.35 and above.
The HyperStat Split CPU+ Economizer profile support HyperStat Split 100.7 and above

The HyperStat Split CPU+ Economizer profile support

Connect Module 1.0 and above

The fan control during recirculate, and the tuner Minfanruntimepostconditioning supports as a part of the Title 24 enhancements

CM 3.47 and above.

The fan control during recirculate, and the tuner Minfanruntimepostconditioning supports as a part of the Title 24 enhancements

HyperStat Split 100.12 and above



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