
| Overview

Once the HyperStat is wired and configured as a BACnet server, it would start exposing a number of points for a BACnet BMS to start subscribing. and using the points in the BMS.

The points are exposed over the MSTP (Master-Slave/Token Passing) protocol.

| Generic Points Exposed

The table below talks about the points exposed by HyperStat, their descriptions, the object type they belong to, and their multistate if applicable.

Points Exposed Description Object Type Multistate Values/Inputs/Enums
Device Entity that exposes the HyperStat equipment Device NA
HyperStat Network Port Entity that exposes the network the device is connected to Network NA
Room Temperature Entity that exposes the current temperature sensed by the onboard temperature sensor in the device. Analog Input NA
CO2 Entity that exposes the CO2 levels sensed by the onboard CO2 sensor in the device. Analog Input NA
UVI Entity that exposes the Ultraviolet Intensity sensed by the onboard UV sensor in the device. Analog Input NA
Sound Entity that exposes the sound levels sensed by the onboard sound sensor in the device. Analog Input NA
PM10 Entity that exposes the Particulate Matter levels sensed by the onboard PM sensor in the device Analog Input NA
Humidity Entity that exposes the current humidity sensed by the onboard humidity sensor in the device Analog Input NA
Illuminance Entity that exposes the Illuminance levels sensed by the onboard Illuminance sensor in the device. Analog Input NA
VOC Entity that exposes the Volatile Organic Components levels sensed by the onboard VOC sensor in the device. Analog Input NA
PM2.5 Entity that exposes the Particulate Matter levels sensed by the onboard PM sensor in the device. Analog Input NA
Analog Input 1 Entity that exposes the scaled voltage value, for the parameter configured for Analog Input 1 during the profile configuration. Analog Input NA
Analog Input 2 Entity that exposes the scaled voltage value, for the parameter configured for Analog Input 2 during the profile configuration. Analog Input NA
Thermistor 2 Entity that exposes the scaled ohms value, for the parameter configured for Thermistor 2 during the profile configuration. Analog Input NA
Analog Out 2 Entity that exposes the scaled voltage value, for the parameter configured for Analog Out 2 during the profile configuration. Analog Input NA
Active Set Temperature Heating Entity that exposes the scaled voltage value, for the parameter configured for Analog Out 2 during the profile configuration. Analog Input NA
Thermistor 1 Entity that exposes the scaled ohms value, for the parameter configured for Thermistor 1 during the profile configuration. Analog Input NA
Analog Out 1 Entity that exposes the scaled voltage value, for the parameter configured for Analog Out 1 during the profile configuration. Analog Input NA
Analog Out 3 Entity that exposes the scaled voltage value, for the parameter configured for Analog Out 3 during the profile configuration. Analog Input NA
Active Set Temperature Cooling Entity that exposes desired temperature set for the device, for single set point style operation. Analog Input NA
Desired Set Temperature Heating Entity that exposes desired heating temperature set for the device, the default is 68F Analog Value NA
Max Set Temperature Heating Entity that exposes maximum value for the desired heating temperature that can be set. Analog Value NA
Max Set Temperature Cooling Entity that exposes maximum value for the desired cooling temperature that can be set. Analog Value NA
Temperature Offset Entity that exposes temperature offset values that can set during the configuration. Analog Value NA
Desired Set Temperature Cooling Entity that exposes desired heating temperature set for the device, the default is 72F Analog Value NA
Min Set Temperature Heating Entity that exposes minimum value for the desired heating temperature that can be set. Analog Value NA
Min Set Temperature Cooling Entity that exposes minimum value for the desired cooling temperature that can be set. Analog Value NA
Heating Deadband Entity that exposes heating deadband value applicable for the device, the default is 2F Analog Value NA
Max Humidity Setpoint Entity that exposes the maximum humidity that can be set for the device. Analog Value NA
Analog Out 1 Min Setting Entity that exposes the minimum scaled voltage value set for the parameter configured for Analog Out 1. Analog Value NA
Analog Out 2 Min Setting Entity that exposes the minimum scaled voltage value set for the parameter configured for Analog Out 2. Analog Value NA
Analog Out 2 Max Setting Entity that exposes the maximum scaled voltage value set for the parameter configured for Analog Out 2. Analog Value NA
Occupancy Status Entity that exposes a binary value for the occupancy status Binary Input

0 - Unoccupied

1 - Occupied

Relay 2 Entity exposed to visualize the relay 2 status. Binary Input

0 - Off

1 - On

Relay 4 Entity exposed to visualize the relay 4 status. Binary Input

0 - Off

1 - On

Relay 6 Entity exposed to visualize the relay 6 status. Binary Input

0 - Off

1 - On

Relay 1 Entity exposed to visualize the relay 1 status. Binary Input

0 - Off

1 - On

Relay 3 Entity exposed to visualize the relay 3 status. Binary Input

0 - Off

1 - On

Relay 5 Entity exposed to visualize the relay 5 status. Binary Input

0 - Off

1 - On

Relay 1 Enable Entity that exposes a binary value for the relay 1 enabled or disabled Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Relay 3 Enable Entity that exposes a binary value for the relay 3 enabled or disabled Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Relay 5 Enable Entity that exposes a binary value for the relay 5 enabled or disabled Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Analog In 1 Enable Entity that exposes a binary value for the Analog In 1 enabled or disabled Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Analog Out 1 Enable Entity that exposes a binary value for the Analog Out 1 enabled or disabled Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Relay 2 Enable  Entity that exposes a binary value for the relay 2 enabled or disabled Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Relay 4 Enable  Entity that exposes a binary value for the relay 4 enabled or disabled Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Relay 6 Enable  Entity that exposes a binary value for the relay 6 enabled or disabled Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Analog In 2 Enable Entity that exposes a binary value for the Analog In 2 enabled or disabled Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Analog Out 2 Enable Entity that exposes a binary value for the Analog Out 2 enabled or disabled Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Analog Out 3 Enable Entity that exposes a binary value for the Analog Out 3 enabled or disabled Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Analog Out 2 Pulse Enable Entity that exposes test signal enablement for the Analog Out2  Binary Value NA
Thermistor 1 Enable Entity that exposes a binary value for the Thermistor 1 enabled or disabled Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Use TH1 As Room Temp Sensor Entity that exposes whether the TH1 is connected to a room temp sensor. Binary Value NA
Enable Auto Away Entity that exposes a binary value for the Auto Away mode enabled or disabled Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Analog Out 1 Pulse Enable Entity that exposes test signal enablement for the Analog Out1  Binary Value NA
Analog Out 3 Pulse Enable Entity that exposes test signal enablement for the Analog Out3  Binary Value NA
Thermistor 2 Enable Entity that exposes a binary value for the Thermistor 2 enabled or disabled Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Enable Force Occupied Entity that exposes a binary value for the Force occupied mode enabled or disabled Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Unoccupied Mode Entity that exposes a binary value when the space is unoccupied. Binary Value

0 - False

1 - True

Show Centigrade Entity that exposes a binary value for switching the temperature unit from Fahrenheit to Centigrade. Binary Value

0 - False

1 - True

Display PM2.5 Entity that exposes a binary value for, whether the PM2.5 levels display is enabled or disabled at the home screen UI of the device Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Display Humidity Entity that exposes a binary value for, whether the Humidity value display is enabled or disabled at the home screen UI of the device Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Display CO2 Entity that exposes a binary value for, whether the CO2 levels display is enabled or disabled at the home screen UI of the device Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Display VOC Entity that exposes a binary value for, whether the VOC levels display is enabled or disabled at the home screen UI of the device Binary Value

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Operating Mode Entity exposes the operating mode the device or space is in  Multi State Input OFF
Active Fan Speed Entity exposes the fan speed mode at which the fan is currently operating. Multi State Input AUTO
Active Conditioning Mode Entity exposes the conditioning mode at which the system is currently operating Multi State Input OFF
Occupancy Status Entity exposes the occupancy state in which the space is currently in. Multi State Input INITIALIZING
Desired Conditioning Mode Entity exposes desired conditioning mode that is available for the user to define. Multi State Value OFF
Temperature Mode Entity exposes temperature modes that is available for the user to define. Multi State Value SINGLE SETPOINT
Desired Fan Speed Entity exposes types of fan speeds that is available for the user to define. Multi State Value OFF
Profile Entity exposes profiles that is available for the user to select. Multi State Value


Conventional Package Unit (CPU)

Heat Pump Unit (HPU)

2 Pipe Fan Coil Unit (2PFCU)

4 Pipe Fan Coil Unit (4PFCU)



| Generic Points Exposed

The table below talks about the tuner points exposed by HyperStat, their descriptions, the object type they belong to, and their default, min max values.

Points Exposed Description Object Type Default Value, Min, Max
VOC Alert Threshold Tuner Entity value exposed for the VOC level that is set, when VOC level exceed this value, an alert is triggered. Analog Value 400, 0, 1000
Zone CO2 Damper Opening Rate Tuner Entity that exposes the value that determines the rate at which outside air damper will open to manage CO2 level based on return air CO2 level. Analog Value 10, 0, 200
Zone CO2 Target Tuner Entity value exposed that determines target value of CO2 in a zone Analog Value 1000, 0, 2000
Proportional Constant  Tuner Entity value exposed, that produces an output action that is proportional to the deviation between the set point and the measured process value for a PI Loop Analog Value 0.5, 0.1, 1.0
Proportional Temperature Range  Tuner Entity value exposed, that defines the band of temperature, or range of temperature, over which the output of the controller is proportional. Example controlling the damper operations. Analog Value 2, 0, 10
Unoccupied Setback Tuner Entity value exposed, that Determines how many degrees from the desired temperature the zone will be allowed to drift during unoccupied times. Analog Value 5, 0, 20
Relay Activation Hysteresis Tuner Entity value exposed, that determines a condition at which the relay will turn off after being turned on to control based on load. Analog Value 10, 0, 100
Integral Constant  Tuner Entity value exposed, with which the controller output is proportional to the amount of time the error is present. Analog Value 0.5, 0.1, 1.0
Integration Time Tuner Entity value exposed that defines the amount of time the PI loop in the system integrates the error over a period until error value reaches zero. It limits the speed of response and affects the stability of the system. Analog Value 30, 1, 60
Heating Deadband Multiplier Tuner Entity value exposed, that manages the value of heatingdeadband. This tuner multiplies with the value of heating deadband and manages the value of heating deadband Analog Value 0.5, 0, 5.0
Fan Speed Multiplier Tuner Entity value exposed, that determines how fast a fan can move based on heating or cooling load. Analog Value 1, 0.1, 3.0
Humidity Hysteresis Tuner Entity value exposed, that determines a condition at which humidifier/dehumidifier will turn off after being turned on to control inside humidity. Analog Value 5, 1, 100
Auto Away Time Tuner Entity value exposed, During Occupied period of the zone (Not during preconditioning period), If an Occupant is not detected for this tuner duration, the zone should enter 'Auto Away' mode if occupancy is enabled. Analog Value 60, 40, 300
Forced Occupied Time Entity that exposes a time set, that determines the time for which if no occupancy is detected the zone enters autoaway mode. Analog Value 120, 30, 300
Auto Away Setback Temperature Tuner Entity value exposed, that determines how many degrees from the desired temperature the zone will be allowed to drift during Auto away. zone may have different desired temperatures leading to different setbacks.  Analog Value 2, 0, 20


| Profile Specific Points Exposed

The Relay and Analog In & Out points exposed for the BACnet, and their corresponding multistate values, differ based on the profile selected for the HyperStat device.

The Tables below illustrate the different multi-state values that are exposed for the Relays, Analog Ins & Analog Outs, for the different profiles selected.

CPU (Conventional Package Unit)

The Table below is for a HyperStat configured for a Conventional Package Unit (CPU) profile.

Points Exposed Description Object Type Multistate Values/Inputs/Enums
Relay 1/2/3/4/5/6 Mapping Entity exposes mappings available under Relay 1/2/3/4/5/6, for the user to select from. Multi State Value

Cooling Stage1

Cooling Stage2

Cooling Stage3

Heating Stage1

Heating Stage2

Heating Stage3

Fan low speed

Fan medium speed

Fan highspeed

Fan Enable

Occupied Enable



Analog In 1/2 Mapping Entity exposes mappings available under Analog In 1/2, for the user to select from. Multi State Value

Current TX (0-10Amps)

Current TX (0-20Amps)

Current TX (0-50Amps)

Key Card Sensor

Door/Window Sensor 1/2

Analog Out 1/2/3 Mapping Entity exposes mappings available under Analog Out 1/2/3, for the user to select from. Multi State Value


Fan Speed


DCV Damper


2PIPE FCU(Fan Coil Unit)

The Table below is for a HyperStat configured for a 2PIPE FCU profile.

Points Exposed Description Object Type Multistate Values/Inputs/Enums
Relay 1/2/3/4/5/6 Mapping Entity exposes mappings available under Relay 1/2/3/4/5/6, for the user to select from. Multi State Value

Auxiliary Heating Stage 1

Auxiliary Heating Stage 2

Water Valve

Fan Enabled

Occupied Enabled

Fan Low Speed

Fan Medium Speed

Fan High Speed



Analog In 1/2 Mapping Entity exposes mappings available under Analog In 1/2, for the user to select from. Multi State Value

Current TX (0-10Amps)

Current TX (0-20Amps)

Current TX (0-50Amps)

Key Card Sensor

Door/Window Sensor 1/2

Analog Out 1/2/3 Mapping Entity exposes mappings available under Analog Out 1, for the user to select from. Multi State Value

Water Modulating Valve

Fan Speed

DCV Damper


4PIPE FCU(Fan Coil Unit)

The Table below is for a HyperStat configured for a 4PIPE FCU profile.

Points Exposed Description Object Type Multistate Values/Inputs/Enums
Relay 1/2/3/4/5/6 Mapping Entity exposes mappings available under Relay 1/2/3/4/5/6, for the user to select from. Multi State Value

Auxiliary Heating Stage 1

Auxiliary Heating Stage 2

Water Valve

Fan Enabled

Occupied Enabled

Fan Low Speed

Fan Medium Speed

Fan High Speed



Analog In 1/2 Mapping Entity exposes mappings available under Analog In 1/2, for the user to select from. Multi State Value

Current TX (0-10Amps)

Current TX (0-20Amps)

Current TX (0-50Amps)

Key Card Sensor

Door/Window Sensor 1/2

Analog Out 1/2/3 Mapping Entity exposes mappings available under Analog Out 1/2/3, for the user to select from. Multi State Value

Water Modulating Valve

Fan Speed

DCV Damper


Fancoil Tuner Points Exposed

For Fancoil type profiles it's not just the Relay and Analog ins and Outs that vary, additional tuner parameters are also exposed, as below.


Points Exposed Description Object Type Default Value, Min, Max
FCU Aux Heating 1 Activate Tuner Entity value exposed 2Pipe FCU, that determines at what temperature, less than the heating desired temperature, should the Auxillary heating stage1 trigger. Analog Value 3, 0, 10
FCU Aux Heating 2 Activate Tuner Entity value exposed 2Pipe FCU, that determines at what temperature, less than the heating desired temperature, should the Auxillary heating stage2 trigger. Analog Value 3, 0, 10
FCU Two Pipe Cooling Threshold Tuner Entity value exposed for a 2 Pipe FCU, that determines if the central plant is providing cold water when compared to supply water temp sensor. If Th2 (supply water sensor) is less than 2pipeFancoilCoolingThreshold (65) then the central plant is providing cold water Analog Value 65, 35, 70
FCU Two Pipe Heating Threshold Tuner Entity value exposed for a 2 Pipe FCU, that determines if the central plant is providing hot water when compared to supply water temp sensor. If Th2 (supply water sensor) is greater than 2pipeFancoilCoolingThreshold (85) then the central plant is providing cold water Analog Value 85, 80, 150
FCU Water Valve Sampling on Time Tuner Entity value exposed for a 2 Pipe FCU, that defines a time interval for which the water valve needs to be opened post the waterValveSamplingWaitTime (m), before starting to sample for thresholds, when the water temperature is above or below the thresholds. Analog Value 2, 0, 150
FCU Water Valve Sampling During Loop Deadband On Time Tuner Entity value exposed for a 2 Pipe FCU, that defines a time interval for which the water valve needs to be opened post the waterValveSamplingDuringLoopDeadbandWaitTime(m), before starting to sample for thresholds, when the water temperature is within the thresholds,  Analog Value 2, 0, 150
FCU Water Valve Wait Sampling Time Tuner Entity value exposed for a 2 Pipe FCU, that defines a time interval, if the water valve is not opened for more than this time interval, the water valve should be opened for 100% before starting to sample for threshold, when the water temperature is above or below the thresholds, this tuner  Analog Value 58, 0, 150
FCU Wate Valve Sampling During Loop Deadband Wait Time Tuner Entity value exposed for a 2 Pipe FCU, defines a time interval. and if the water valve is not opened for more than this time interval, the water valve should be opened for 100% before starting to sample for thresholds, when the water temperature is within the thresholds, Analog Value 5, 0, 150


HPU (Heat Pump Unit)

The Table below is for a HyperStat configured for a HPU profile.

Points Exposed Description Object Type Multistate Values/Inputs/Enums
Relay 1/2/3/4/5/6 Mapping Entity exposes mappings available under Relay 1/2/3/4/5/6, for the user to select from. Multi State Value

Compressor Stage 1

Compressor Stage 2

Compressor Stage 3

Aux Heating Stage 1

Aux Heating Stage 2

Fan Low Speed

Fan Medium Speed

Fan High Speed

Fan Enabled

Occupied Enabled



Change Over O Cooling

Change Over B Heating

Analog In 1/2 Mapping Entity exposes mappings available under Analog In 1/2, for the user to select from. Multi State Value

Current TX (0-10Amps)

Current TX (0-20Amps)

Current TX (0-50Amps)

Key Card Sensor

Door/Window Sensor 1

Analog Out 1/2/3 Mapping Entity exposes mappings available under Analog Out 1/2/3, for the user to select from. Multi State Value

Compressor Speed

Fan Speed

DCV Damper




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