
3 Minute Read

| Overview

The HyperStat is part of Carrier's vertically integrated suite of intelligent building solutions, delivering multi-mode sensing, remote monitoring, and individual zone control for the comfort and productivity of building occupants.

With the vision towards platform play and greater interoperability in the building management space, the HyperStat is built and developed in such a way that it can either, work in a Carrier BMS environment connected to Carrier's CCU configured for system and terminal level profiles or can support an external BACnet protocol based BMS as a BACnet server. It can also work as an independent or standalone device that can work as per profiles that can be configured in the HyperStat itself.

The HyperStat when used in a BACnet network provides the capability to the customer, to configure a HyperStat in a BACnet MSTP-based (Master-Slave Token Passing) protocol using the RS 485 bus, and it can work both as master or salve and read and write the data in a certain format in the BMS. With its powerful onboard sensors. HyperStat can be an excellent asset to the BACnet-supported BMS.

| Installation

for more information refer to HyperStat Installation HyperStat UI.

| Wiring

Below is the wiring schematic followed when HyperStat is used as a BACnet server.


| Wiring Harness

In order to support the basic wiring requirement in a BACnet protocol network, the Carrier supports a type of wiring harness that aids the ability to wire in a Daisy Chain format.

4 Pin to 6 Wire Screw Connector


This uses a 4-pin Molex connector at one end and a 6-wire, screw connector at the other end, you can simply twist the four wires and insert them into the screw slots provided for connection. 

Part Number: 4 Pin to 6 Wire Screw Connector- 7X-WA-C5X-X

| Example Daisy Chaining


With the above wiring format and a BACnet router capable enough to convert the BACnet MSTP to BACnet Ip to communicate with the BACnet protocol-based BMS.

| Jumper Settings


Note: If HyperStat is not the end of the RS485 network bus (EOL), remove the TER ISO Jumper, and if the end of the RS485 network bus (EOL) do not remove the TER ISO Jumper.

Post wiring once the device is powered on, you configure HyperStat to act as a BACnet server.

| Configuration

From the home screen of the UI 


  • Press the + & - buttons together to navigate to the other screens of the HyperStat

The Inputs screen is displayed initially

  • Press the next button to navigate to the Communication options screen


The communications options screen is displayed.


  • Press the down arrow up_arrow.png to navigate to the options available under the screen.


Setting Baud Rate:

  • Press the up_arrow.png to navigate to the option Baud rate


  • Press the select option to modify the configuration parameter Baud rate.


  • Use the up Down_arrow.png or down up_arrow.png buttons to modify the Baud rate, it is usually 38400


  • Press Deselect to confirm the selection.


Setting Parity:

  • Press the up_arrow.png to navigate to the parameter Parity


  • Press the select option to modify the configuration parameter Parity.


  • Use the up Down_arrow.png or down up_arrow.png to modify the parity.


  • Press Deselect to confirm the selection.


Setting Stop Bits:

  • Press the up_arrow.png to navigate to the options parameter Stop bits.


  • Press the select option to modify the configuration parameter Stop bits.


  • Use the up Down_arrow.png or down up_arrow.png to modify the stop bits.


  • Press Deselect to confirm the selection.


Setting Address:

  • Press the Down_arrow.png to navigate to the parameter Address


  • Press the select option to modify the configuration parameter Address.


  • Use the up Down_arrow.png or down up_arrow.png to modify the address.


  • Press Deselect to confirm the selection.



Setting Protocol:

  • Press the Down_arrow.png to navigate to the protocol option.


  • Press the select option to change the protocol.


  • Press the up Down_arrow.png arrow twice to change the protocol to 


  • Press Deselect.


  • Press Confirm to confirm the protocol selection.

The HyperStat is configured as a BACnet server, and it restarts.


| Feature Availability Version

  • The support for BACnet protocol in the HyperStat is available from the HyperStat version 1.24 and above.

| BACnet Testing Laboratory- Certification

The HyperStat is now a BTL-certified device.

Refer to the attachments for details on HyperStat's PICS (Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement) & BTL's device listing.





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