
3 Minute Read

| Overview

Master Control is temperature control in CCU, which is used to define the building level setpoint temperature, and the limits for the building breach conditioning to trigger.

Once a CCU is configured the system takes up the setpoint, and building breach temperatures for the building level, based on the energy-saving ranges that is pre-defined by the algorithm.


And any zone paired with the CCU will have the set point temperatures within this limit and changing the desired temperatures beyond these limits is not permitted from the portal or any other smart devices.

Any changes beyond the specified limits in the CCU master control section, can be made from the portals or smart devices, only after the limits are relaxed from the CCU master control page.

The master control limits are usually in a scope of larger limits which is done to be sure of accommodating the possible limits for the zones that can be paired within.

| Accessing Master Control

From the CCU zones page

  • Click the settings mceclip0.png icon on the top right corner.


The floor layout screen is displayed.

  • Click the Settings option.


The settings screen is displayed.

  • Click the installer option mceclip1.png  icon.


The installer option screen is displayed.

  • Click on the non editable slider for the temperature limits, under the section Building


The editable slider for the modifying the temperature limits is displayed.

  • Click and drag the cooling and heating limits sliders to increase or decrease the temperature limits

Note: The set desired temperatures can overlap without varying the other(the Heating Desired Temperature without varying the Cooling Desired Temperature, and the Cooling Desired Temperature without varying the Heating Desired) based on a certain criterion set. For more information refer to the article on Overlapping User limits for Heating and Cooling

  • Click SET to confirm the changes made

Note: When making a change in the user limits the deadband used in validation is the highest of VVT-C/VAV/Standalone profiles.


Note: The Temperature limits slider displays only a small value in the scale based on the setpoints to allow the user to make the change comfortably.

If the user is looking to increase the temperature limits beyond what is displayed in the scale, the user can use the right and left arrow mceclip2.png mceclip3.pngicons to visualize the extended scale and do the necessary changes to the setpoints.

The user would also have the option to set the limits to the parameter unit of their choice by toggling the Use Celsius button to display the temperature limits in Celsius.




It should be noted that 

  • Once set in any CCU, will be applicable for the entire building i.e. for all the CCU in that building
  • Once changed in CCU, all the connected devices (terminal devices like SN, SS, HS, HN, OTN, etc. ) will also display the same temperature unit. But locally on the terminal devices as well users can toggle the units individually as per choice






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