
7 Minute Read

| Overview

Alerts is a feature of Carrier® system that helps the user to keep up with the information that matters most to them. Alerts are delivered through a notification system. Alerts are effective at site level. Once alerts are applied at site level, all the CCUs under the site generate the alerts.

With the Alerts feature, the Facility manager can monitor the performance of their HVAC equipment and take corrective actions if they are not performing as they should. The facility managers who monitor these systems are alerted with notifications as per their preference and can mute/unmute alerts based on their preferences and requirements.


With the Alerts feature, the Facility manager can:

  • Choose a mode of alerting preferred - SMS, Emails, Push Mobile Notifications and Desktop Notifications 
  • Get notified for any alert as per preferred mode.
  • Assign notifications the secondary managers. 
  • Mute/unmute alert for a particular equip for a preferred time duration (Per user muting).

 With the Alerts feature, the secondary manager can:

  • Choose a mode of alerting preferred - SMS, Emails, Push Mobile Notifications and Desktop Notifications 
  • Get notified for any alert as per preferred mode.

| Accessing Alerts

Alerts can be accessed from the ClimaVision Web UI portal.


  • Log onto the ClimaVision Web UI portal.
  • Click the notification mceclip1.png icon.

The alerts screen is displayed.


The following table explains the various fields displayed on the page: 

Field Name



You can use this option to filter and view alerts for all the buildings or for each building.

Each site will have its own set of predefined and custom alerts.



You can use this option to search for a particular alert. You can search alert using a description of the alert or keywords of the description.


Hide Fixed

You can use this option to filter the list of alerts that are not yet fixed. You can enable option to apply the filter.

Rows per page 

You can use this option to select the number of alert rows per page.


Options are 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 rows per page. By default, 10 rows per page is displayed. 

You can use the < & >   options to toggle between the next and the previous alerts pages, where the number of alerts is more than the value option selected under Rows per page 


You can see the severity of the alerts under this field. 

Click the header to sort all the alerts based on severity. 

In each row for each alert, severity level icon is indicated by its color. 






Indicates severe alerts that need immediate attention.   



Indicates moderate alerts  



Indicates low-priority alerts  


You can see the time at which the alert was triggered. The format is DD MMM YYYY HH:MM. 

Click the header to sort all the alerts based on time. 

Equip Name 

You can see the equipment name that caused trigger of the alert. 

Click the header to sort all the alerts based on alphabetical order of the equipment name. 

Mute State 

You can see the muted state of the device. 

Click the header to sort all the alerts based on muted state of the equipment name. 


You can see the description of the alert. 

You can click the description to view the details of the alert as shown.



| Per User Muting

Per user muting or shallow muting allows ClimaVision Web UI users to mute any alert for themselves or for the secondary managers. Per user muting is available only for ClimaVision Web UI portal and apps. 

The per user muting is used to avoid notifications, during the time of service and maintenance of the equipment. 

Once any alert is muted via ClimaVision Web UI portal or app, it is still visible in the alert list but there is no notification if the alert is generated again. Per user muting of an alert can be done for a particular alert only. 


  • Log onto the ClimaVision Web UI portal.
  • Click the blobid0.png icon.

The alerts screen is displayed. 

  • Navigate to the alert to be muted.
  • Click the 20.jpgicon.

The Mute Notification for popup window is displayed.


  • Choose from any of the following options
      • End of the Day: to mute the alert till today end of the day.
      • 1 day: to mute the alert till today end of the day.
      • 2 days: to mute the alert till tomorrow end of the day.
      • End of the week: to mute the alert till end of the week i.e., till Sunday (please note If you are selecting this option on a Friday, alert is muted till Sunday i.e., only for next 2 days).
      • Custom date: to mute the alert for a custom time interval, when the Custom Date option is selected, a calendar opens to select the start and end date.


  • Select the start and end date and specify a time range if required.

Note: If you open the custom date calendar and select the date range without editing the start and the end time, then the start time is considered as current system time. If the system is 3:40 PM, then by default the end time will be 3:39 PM.

  • Click Apply to save the changes.

A message that the user preference is updated successfully appears.


The  21.jpg icon is displayed under the Mute State field.

The alert is muted.

  • Click the 21.jpg icon and select Unmute the alert.



| Notifying Alerts

Alerts Notifications Subsystem is an alarming system within the Carrier® product used to notify preselected conditional alarm for preset configurations to various users in various formats such as SMS, Emails, Push Mobile Notifications and Desktop Notifications.

Primary ClimaVision Web UI manager can set/remove notification options for himself and all secondary facility managers.

Secondary ClimaVision Web UI managers can set/remove notification options for themselves.

Organizational ClimaVision Web UI managers can set/remove notification options for  themselves.



  • Log onto the ClimaVision Web UI portal.
  • Click the 17.jpg icon and select Account.


The Account Management screen is displayed.


  • Click Notification Management and select a site from the Select Site.

The Notification Management screen is displayed.


The following table explains the various fields displayed on the page: 


Field Name




You can see the alerts configured for the building.


You can use this option to enable the email notification for the alerts (For the email that is associated).

Once the email option is selected, the email messages are received as soon as an associated alert is generated on the CCU, as shown.



You can use this option to enable the sms notification for the alerts (For the phone number that is associated).

Once the SMS option is selected, the SMS text messages are received when an associated alert is generated on the CCU.

Mobile Push Notification

You can use this option to enable the mobile push notification for the alerts (For the mobile app installation associated with the User, irrespective of android or apple mobile).

Once the Push notification option is selected, the Central server based push notification message are received as soon as an associated alert is generated in CCU as shown.


Desktop Push Notification

You can use this option to enable the desktop push notification for the alerts (For the facilisight portal associated with the User, irrespective of the web browser used).

once the Desktop notification option is selected, the notification text messages are received when an associated alert is generated in CCU.



To receive desktop push notification you should allow the notification for the browser as shown.


Notify When fixed

You can use this option notify the once the alert is fixed.


The primary facility manager can also enable the notification modes for a secondary manger.

  • Select a secondary manager from the Notification that you want_____________ to receive
  • Enable the modes for notification as per the preference.



| Notifying Fixed Alert

For every alert, there is a notification once the alert is generated after the alert is fixed,   notification for the fixed  alert is sent.

You can enable this notification from the ClimaVision Web UI portal.


  • Log onto the ClimaVision Web UI portal.
  • Click the 17.jpg  icon and select Account

The Account Management screen is displayed.

  • Click Notification Management and select a site from the Select Site

The Notification Management screen is displayed.



  • Select the check box under Notify when fixed to enable the notification.












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