
| Introduction

The ability to define and view ClimaVision profiles in Hayloft and use them in CCU is a smarter way of streamlining system profiles under a common platform. This integration ensures automatic subscription to all changes made in Hayloft, with tags and points created directly in Hayloft. Consequently, CCU no longer needs to create tags or points when a new profile is paired.

Moreover, the editing and updating ClimaVision profiles in Hayloft, with the updated model available in CCU, ensures that existing models in CCU are synchronized with changes made in Hayloft, eliminating the need for code-level adjustments in CCU whenever there are modifications in points or changes in tags or enums.

There are about 28 system and zone profiles used for controlling HVAC equipment. These profiles, consisting of read and write points, are created independently in each CCU during pairing. There are several constraints which are addressed with this feature:

  • Standardization: Points and tags created by CCU lack consistency across profiles and developers, failing to conform to Haystack standards.
  • Normalization: Tags in different profiles often have varying meanings, complicating comprehension and usage.
  • Development Cycle Time: The absence of standardization increases development time for creating profiles or tags.
  • CCU Performance: Tags are extensively used in CCU to display data, impacting performance. A significant improvement of 60-70% in query performance is expected when CCUs fully migrate to fetch models from Hayloft.

| Refactoring VAV Profiles in Hayloft

  • Login to Hayloft

The Hayloft Page is displayed.

Screenshot 2024-05-30 121449.png

  • Select the ClimaVision Models tab

Screenshot 2024-05-30 121652.png

Currently, there are 5 profiles available under the VAV system profile.

Profile Name Profile Type Domain Model Name Profile Available under DM-CCU
VAV Advanced Hybrid AHU System vavAdvancedHybridAhu No
VAV Staged RTU with VFD Fan System vavStagedRTUVfdFan No
VAV Fully Modulating AHU System vavFullyModulatingAHU No
VAV Staged RTU System vavStagedRTU No
VAV External AHU Controller System vavExternalAHUController No
  • Searching with the domain model name, would display the VAV system profiles

Screenshot 2024-05-30 122916.png

The description of the model's name and the model level tags can be observed under the ClimaVision models.

Screenshot 2024-05-30 123203.png

  • Click on a VAV model

Screenshot 2024-05-30 124825.png

The associated points and tags related to the model is displayed.

| Refactoring VVT Profiles in Hayloft

  • Login to Hayloft

The Hayloft Page is displayed.

Screenshot 2024-05-30 121449.png

  • Select the 75F Models tab

Screenshot 2024-05-30 121652.png

Currently, there are 4 profiles available under the DAB system profile.

Profile Name Profile Type Domain Model Name Profile Available under DM-CCU
DAB Fully Modulating AHU System dabFullyModulatingAhu No
DAB Advanced Hybrid AHU System dabAdvancedHybridAhu No
DAB Staged RTU System dabStagedRtu No
DAB Staged RTU with VFD Fan System dabStagedRtuVfdFan No
  • Searching with the domain model name, would display the VVT system profiles

    Screenshot 2024-05-30 130411.png

    The description of the model's name and the model level tags can be observed under the ClimaVision models.


    • Click on a VVT model

    Screenshot 2024-05-30 124825.png

    The associated points and tags related to the model is displayed.




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