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| Profiles/Applications

Profile/ Application is a predefined configuration generated from the Intelligence embedded algorithm, that can be preset based on available control, signal inputs, and outputs that drive the hardware products to act accordingly.

Profiles are based on the main HVAC equipment used and the type of conditioning required in the building.

There are two types of profiles supported by the Carrier BMS.

  • System Profile: A profile that controls the system or building-level equipment
  • Terminal Profile: A profile that controls the terminal or zone-level equipment.

| Overview of Carrier Profiles

Under the above-mentioned types and based on the conditioning required and the terminal devices used the profiles summary supported by Carrier BMS is as follows.


System Profile

The system profile or application is the one that is configured in the CCU that determines the type of control for the system-level equipment such as Air Handling Units (AHUs) and Roof Top Units (RTUs).

Carrier support three categories of control for the system-level equipment.

Dynamic Airflow Balancing (VVT-C)

Carrier Dynamic Airflow Balancing (VVT-C) is a proactive zone control system that remotely monitors and controls conditions in individual spaces for superior comfort and efficiency. Predictive machine learning algorithms optimize heating and cooling capacity by redirecting conditioned air to the spaces that need it most.

It uses SmartNodes connected to zone-level dampers to control the airflow based on the individual zone-level requirement. Based on the outside temperature during the day, different zones would expect different kinds of conditioning during different times of the day. To satisfy this condition, Dynamic Airflow Balancing (VVT-C) uses an algorithm to provide a dynamic airflow to the zones.

Under the category Dynamic Airflow Balancing (VVT-C) system profile Carrier support five types of system profile.

Staged RTU

A staged RTU is a profile where the input from the RTU is controlled in stages to provide the required conditioning. The stages of conditioning are the heating and cooling stages, and they are triggered based on preset conditions in the algorithm. The staged condition is enabled or disabled using relays.

For more information refer to VVT-C Staged RTU

Staged RTU with VFD

Staged RTU with VFD is a profile similar to the Staged RTU but uses a variable frequency drive (VFD) to control the fan speed during the staged conditioning.

For more information refer to VVT-C Staged RTU w/ VFD Fan

Modulating AHU

Modulating AHU is a profile where the input from the Air handler Unit (AHU), system-level equipment, is controlled using a modulating analog signal of 0Vdc to 10 Vdc to provide the required conditioning.

For more information refer to VVT-C Fully Modulating AHU

Advanced AHU

Advanced AHU is a profile where the input from the Air handler Unit (AHU) which is system-level equipment is controlled either by a staged control using relays, or a modulating control using a modulating analog signal of 0Vdc to 10 Vdc to provide the required conditioning.

For more information refer to VVT-C Advanced Hybrid AHU

Modulating AHU with DCWB

Modulating AHU with DCWB is a profile that not only controls the air side by, controlling the input from the Air handler Unit (AHU) which is system-level equipment, but is controlled using a modulating analog signal of 0Vdc to 10 Vdc to provide the required conditioning, it also controls the chilled water supply required for the conditioning using the concepts of Dynamic Chilled Water Balancing.

For more information refer to VVT-C Modulating AHU with DCWB

Variable Airflow Volume (VAV)

Carrier Variable Airflow Volume is a concept of varying the airflow from the system-level equipment based on the needs of the zones or the spaces that are conditioned. 

It uses SmartNodes connected to zone-level dampers to control the airflow based on the individual zone-level requirement. regardless of the outside temperature or condition.

Under the category Variable Airflow Volume (VAV) system profile Carrier support six types of system profile.

Staged RTU

A staged RTU is a profile where the input from the RTU is controlled in stages to provide the required conditioning. The stages of conditioning are the heating and cooling stages, and they are triggered based on preset conditions in the algorithm. The staged condition is enabled or disabled using relays.

For more information refer to VAV Staged RTU

Staged RTU with VFD

Staged RTU with VFD is a profile similar to the Staged RTU but uses a variable frequency drive (VFD) to control the fan speed during the staged conditioning.

For more information refer to VAV Staged RTU w/ VFD Fan

Modulating AHU

Modulating AHU is a profile where the input from the Air handler Unit (AHU), system-level equipment, is controlled using a modulating analog signal of 0Vdc to 10 Vdc to provide the required conditioning.

For more information refer to VAV Fully Modulating AHU

Advanced AHU

Advanced AHU is a profile where the input from the Air handler Unit (AHU) which is system-level equipment is controlled either by a staged control using relays, or a modulating control using a modulating analog signal of 0Vdc to 10 Vdc to provide the required conditioning.

For more information refer to VAV Advanced Hybrid AHU

Terminal Profile

The terminal profile or application is the one that is configured in the CCU, which determines the type of control for the terminal level equipment such as Fan coil units, heat pumps, etc. The control is achieved via Carrier terminal-level devices such as nodes and stats.

Carrier supports several terminal profiles for the different terminal devices.

SmarNode or HelioNode Terminal Profiles

Terminal profiles that use a SmarNode or HelioNode to provide the expected conditioning controls.

VAV Reheat

VAV reheat is a terminal profile introduced to reheat the incoming air into a zone to provide the required conditioning. When two types of conditioning are required in different spaces in the building the VAV reheat profile comes in handy to achieve the required conditions with very less consumption of energy.

Under VAV reheat Carrier supports four types of terminal profiles.

VAV Reheat with No Fan

This is a VAV Reheat profile that supports a VAV reheat unit that has no fan in it.

For more information refer to VAV w/ Reheat (No Fan)

VAV Reheat with Parallel Fans

This is a VAV Reheat profile that supports a VAV reheat unit that has parallel fans in it.

For more information refer to VAV w/ Reheat (Parallel Fan)

VAV Reheat with Series Fans

This is a VAV Reheat profile that supports a VAV reheat unit that has fans that are in series.

For more information refer to VAV w/ Reheat (Series Fan)

Dual Duct

Dual Duct is a custom terminal profile that is introduced to support the VAV dual-duct systems. It consists of an air handling unit that has two coils, a continuously operating cooling coil, and a continuously operating heating coil. 

For more information refer to VVT-C Dual Duct

VVT-C (Dynamic Airflow Balancing) as a Terminal Profile 

Carrier supports VVT-C as a terminal profile as well using the SmarNode and the HelioNode

For more information refer to Dynamic Airflow Balancing VVT-C

Temperature Monitoring

Temperature Monitoring is a terminal-level profile that is configured using the SmarNode or the HelioNode, which is an all-purpose monitoring profile.  that uses sensor-bus and analog inputs and a variety of 10k sensors for monitoring various HVAC equipment like loop-temp, refrigeration, cooling towers, and more.  

For more information refer to Temperature Monitoring

Single Stage Equipment

single stage equipment is a profile that controls simple HVAC equipment such as unit heaters and split ACs. Each SSE module works independently of the main CCU like a simple thermostat. When the CCU is only being used as an aggregation point, the CCU system profile might be set to default, and it is not connected to any HVAC equipment. 

For more information refer to SmarNode - Single Stage Equipment

PI (Proportional Integral) Loop Controller

PI loop controller is a profile that uses the proportional and the integral parts of the input to provide a controlled output. It can be used for a wide range of applications. Using input to reset or modulate an output.

For more information refer to Proportional Integral (PI) Loop Control

Energy Meter

An energy meter is a profile where a SmarNode is connected to an energy meter a Schneider 3150 or other Modbus Schneider energy meter in the same family, 3455 for example. The SmarNode reads every minute of energy usage from the energy meter, that is consumed for the building's HVAC or other systems and plots in the trending data on ClimaVision Web UI for live visualization. 

For more information refer to Energy Meter - Schneider 3000 Series Modbus

Occupancy and Temperature Node (OTN) Terminal Profiles

Terminal profiles that use Occupancy and Temperature Node (OTN (to provide the expected conditioning controls.

Temperature Influencing

An OTN (Occupancy and Temperature Node) Temperature Influencing is a terminal profile that does not connect/control any equipment at the terminal level, but the reported temperatures, however, influence the operation of the central plant equipment.

For more information refer to Occupancy and Temperature Node- Temperature Influencing

Smart Stat Terminal Profiles

Terminal profiles that use a smart stat to provide the expected conditioning controls.

Conventional Package Unit

 A conventional package unit is a terminal profile that can provide 6 stages of conditioning, which include 2 stages of cooling, 2 stages of heating, and 2 stages of Fan speed to control terminal equipment, to provide the required conditioning based on the zone level HVAC needs.

For more information refer to Conventional Package Unit - Smart Stat

Heat Pump Unit

A heat pump unit terminal profile is used to provide that additional heat required for the zone using an auxiliary heat pump unit apart from the 2 compressor and 2 fan speed stages conditioning. and 1 reversing valve control relay.

For more information refer to Heat Pump Unit - Smart Stat

4 Pipe Fan Coil Unit

4 pipe fan coil unit is a terminal-level profile that uses 3 stages of fan speed and 2 water coils (activated for heating and cooling) to provide the required conditioning based on the zone or room HVAC needs.

For more information refer to 4 Pipe Fan Coil - Smart Stat

2 Pipe Fan Coil Unit

2 pipe fan coil unit is a terminal level profile that uses 3 stages of fan speed and 1 water coil which is an auxiliary heating stage (activated for heating or cooling) to provide the required conditioning based on the zone or room HVAC needs.

For more information refer to 2 Pipe Fan Coil - Smart Stat

HyperStat Terminal Profiles

Terminal profiles that use a HyperStat to provide the expected conditioning controls.

Conventional Package Unit

A conventional package unit with the HyperStat is a terminal profile, which provides 6 relays that can be used to set up to 3 stages of cooling, heating, and fan speed conditioning based on the terminal level HVAC needs.

For more information refer to HyperStat CPU


HyperStat sense is a terminal profile that is used to sense certain parameters at a terminal level zone.

For more information refer to HyperStat Sense

















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