
| Overview

Heatmap is a feature of ClimaVision Web UI that receives the live feed of how efficient the building is at any given moment. It provides instant info - 650 data points per minute - on the buildings HVAC, lighting, energy, equipment performance and internal environment, with IoT-sensors detecting occupancy, airflow and zone temperatures, humidity, light, sound, VOCs, CO2, and a myriad of other indoor air quality factors.

The Carrier® Heatmap Interface has proven to be an incredibly useful tool for maintaining and troubleshooting a Carrier® system. Below is a quick summary of some of its features:

The Heatmap Main Screen is a top-down view of system. It displays the various Zones, which are color coded to reflect how close the temperatures and their corresponding devices in the Zones are to their desired setpoint.


  • All-encompassing view of conditions within your building
  • Effectively displays differences between zones
  • Various predefined widgets are configured to accommodate the live feed of 650 data points per minute.

| Heatmap

In order to access the Heatmap page:

  • Log into the ClimaVision Web UI portal.

The ClimaVision Web UI Home page should display as shown below:


  • Select a building under the scope

The Heatmap page will be opened as shown below:


The following table explains the various fields displayed on the Heatmap page: 

Field Name



You can use this option to select a specific floor in the building you wish to view the heatmap of.

Select CCU

You can use option to select a specific CCU in the building.

Selecting a CCU highlights the zones in the floor map that are reporting to the that CCU.

Search zones

You can use this option to search and select a specific zone in the building or the floor.  You can search the zone using a description or keywords of the description.

Note: You can use the mouse to navigate through the fields to perform the search and selection, or you can use the tab and arrow keys to navigate through the fields to perform the search and selection.

Temperature color codes

You can see color bar below with a quick glance guide into each zone.


  • Green: Indicates that the zone is at the setpoint.
  • Blue: Indicates that the zone is cooler than the setpoint, with darker shades indicating the zone is further away from setpoint.
  • Orange-red: Indicates that the zone is hotter than the setpoint, with darker shades of orange indicating the zone is further from the setpoint (with red being the furthest from the setpoint).

Custom Heatmap Filter

You can use this option set up custom filters for the Heatmap based on various parameters in the building.


For more information refer to Custom Heatmap Filter

CCU List

Here, you can see the CCU’s listed under the Building.


Note: Every CCU is of a different color, and hovering your mouse over the zones in the heatmap would underline highlight the corresponding CCU to which the zone is paired as shown below:


Reorder CCU

You can use this option to rearrange the CCU

  • Click the reorder 5.png icon.

The following 'Reorder CCU' window is displayed:


Drag and drop the CCU as per your need and click save.

The order in which the CCUs are arranged is modified as below:



You can use this option to specify the time interval for which the data for the CCU is auto-refreshed.


  • Click the refresh mceclip0.png icon
  • Choose from any of the following options:
      • Refresh Now: to refresh upon selecting.
      • Every 1 min: to refresh the data after every 1 minute period.
      • Every 5 mins: to refresh the data after every 5 minute period.
      • Every 15 mins: to refresh the data after every 15 minute period.
      • Every 60 mins: to refresh the data after every 60 minute period.

Floor Plan

You can see your building's floor plans in this section.

Note: If the building has multiple floors, only floor plans for two floors are visible at a time on the screen. You can view the rest by scrolling down the screen. Zones belonging to or sharing a single CCU have the same outline color as the CCU color.


Note: Based on the selection made in floors dropdowns, the heat maps section is filtered for the floor, and the Zones related the CCU are highlighted as below:


Note: Hovering over any zones would highlight the CCU related to the Zone in the CCU list as shown below:


| Viewing CCU level Widgets

  • Hover the mouse over the CCU to view a snapshot of the predefined and custom widgets:


  • Click the CCU name to view the predefined and custom widgets configured for said CCU.


The following table explains the various fields displayed on the page: 

Field Name


Performance for

You can use this option to select a different date range for the visualizations or to view a historicized visualization of your data.


Note: Along with the traditional calendar view for selection of date range, the system also provides options to select some quick range selections including:

  • Today
  • Last 3 Days
  • Last Week
  • Last Month
  • Last 6 Months
  • Last Year


You can use this option to download the visualization data in the xlsx format.


Predefined Widgets

You can see the predefined widgets at the system level for the building under this section.


Note: The data reflected in the widget screen auto refreshes after every 5 seconds as long as the widget screen is kept open.

Scrolling further through the widgets window, the following is displayed:



The following table explains the various fields displayed on the page: 

Field Name


Custom Widgets

You can see the Custom widgets at the system level for the building under this section.

Custom Global Widgets

You can see the Custom global widgets at the system level for the building under this section.

Scrolling further in the widgets window the following is displayed:


The following table explains the various fields displayed on this part of the page: 

Field Name


CCU Settings

You can see entities available for configuring the CCU settings.


You can select a mode of conditioning in which you want the system to operate.

Select one option from the available options

OFF:  To switch off all kinds of conditioning
To switch to Auto cooling or Heating based on the current temperature

COOL ONLY: To switch to cooling only mode
To switch to heating only mode

Occupancy Status

You can see the occupancy status at a particular time.

Equipment Status

You can see the equipment status at a particular time.

Last Updated

You can see the time at which data was updated.

Scrolling further in the widgets window the following is displayed:



You can see the Intrinsic schedule applicable for the CCU/AHU. For more information refer Intrinsic Schedules for System Profiles

| Viewing Zone level Widgets

  • Hover the mouse over to view a snapshot of the predefined and custom widgets in any available:


  • Click on the Zones to view the Zone specific predefined and custom widgets configured:



Scrolling further in the widgets window the following is displayed:


The following table explains the various fields displayed on this portion of the page:

Field Name


Zone Name

You can see the zone name of the selected zone.


You can see if the zone is communicating actively with the mesh network.


Note: For a Carrier Zone or Modbus device there may be many parameters. In the case the device is offline and not communicating, it always shows previous received value. With this feature we can see a status option to know if the device is online or offline. If offline, then we can see the last updated time when it was online.

The grey dot above the zone name indicates the zone is not actively communicating with the mesh network.

A green dot in place of grey dot indicates the zone is actively communicating with the mesh network.

Predefined Widgets

You can see the predefined widgets at the system level for the building under this section.

Custom Widgets

You can see the Custom widgets at the zone level for the building under this section, if any were created from the internal portal heat map.

Custom Global Widgets

You can see the Custom global widgets at the zone level for the building under this section. if any created from the internal portal heat map.

Scrolling further in the widgets window the following is displayed:




The following table explains the various fields displayed on this portion of the page: 

Field Name


Zone Settings

You can see and modify the zone setting for the zone.


You can see the profile information configured for the zone.


You can see the building and zone level schedules.


You can see the vacations set for the zone.

Zone Priority

You can see the zone priority information for zone.

Note: The predefined widgets and other sections for a building, system and zones would differ from one another and from profile to profile.

For more information on zone schedules, visit here. 

For further information on setting up vacations, visit here.




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